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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Regina Specialist On the Move, Media Release

M E D I A R E L E A S E Regina Cancer Specialist On the Move For Immediate Release REGINA, Aug 17, 2010 - Regina’s only remaining gynecologic oncologist is on the move. Dr. Al-Hayki, an oncologist who must retain a private practice to see confirmed and suspected cancer patients not under the care of the Allan Blair Cancer Center has closed her current office location. OCATS (Ovarian Cancer Awareness & Treatment in Saskatchewan) has been assured by the RQHR (Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region) that Dr. Al Hayki is in discussions about a new office location, a move that may be imminent. RQHR has also offered to assist Dr. Al-Hayki with the situation. The office move poses a problem for women with suspected cancer who need to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist immediately. Since the Allan Blair does not have a mandate for their oncologists to see these women, there are no other specialists in Regina that they can be referred to. This potentially means the transfer of patients to other centers or women with an urgent need for an appointment waiting to begin treatment because of essentially a real estate issue. With Regina down to just one gynecologic oncologist, working conditions are worse and the quality of cancer care is lowered in Saskatchewan. Darlene Gray, Director of OCATS says, “We are reassured by the information from the RQHR as we have witnessed their commitment to improved gyne oncology care in Saskatchewan, however, we are tired of the office space issue and can’t help but worry that our specialist is as well. No one wants a gifted cancer specialist to be wasting her valuable time looking for office space and moving. We are asking again that office space be provided in one of our hospitals as soon as possible. This was an urgent issue in 2008; it became an unworkable situation for Dr. Brydon and she closed her private practice for good. Now the situation has deteriorated further.” Gray explained that the real answer is Gynecologic Oncology Units in both Regina and Saskatoon to ensure these specialists work efficiently, leading a team providing the proper care for women with cancer of the reproductive organs. The OCATS group and other stakeholders have been working diligently for over a year to design a gynecologic oncology program for our province Gray stated, “We appreciate the offer of support of the health region in helping Dr. Al-Hayki find a new private office, but we want office space for our specialists in the hospital like other oncologists have. We are also encouraged by a new way of approaching issues by the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency that has come with new personnel. But we need an answer to the office space issue today.” -30- For more information: Please contact Darlene Gray OCATS 306-775-1848, 306-529-3199